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Now offering dovetail drawer boxes. Learn more.

Cabinet Parts Supplier
We are an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) to the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturing Industry.
We make components such as wood frame and door parts used in other company’s end product.
We also mold and supply architectural and decorative moldings to those same well known, high end
Kitchen Cabinet Manufactuers.

We offer a full line of cabinets, moldings and doors for residential projects. New construction or remodel, we can help you achieve the design of your dreams for your home.

Custom Projects
From engineering through installation, we build custom solutions for commercial projects.

Humble Beginnings
Founded in 1986, SledgeCraft, Inc. is steeped in family history. From their families at home to their families at work, the Sledge family has held to a strong set of convictions in their business from the very first day. From humble beginnings, they started a tradition of fine, recognizable craftsmanship and a reputation of high standards. SledgeCraft is your one stop source for the highest quality solid wood mouldings and high-end wholesale, quality, precision millwork.
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